Minggu, Maret 07, 2010

Some problems when installing Windows 7

Windows 7 is the latest product from microsoft, even if windows 7 offers many convenience to users but there are some weaknesses that you may experience when installing windows 7.
There are some things that often happens when you first install windows 7

1. Can not boot from the Windows 7 DVD
2. During setup, does not detect your hard disk
3. During setup, some peripherals do not work properly
4. Drivers that are unsigned, have a signature that is invalid or can not be verified by a trusted Certificate Authority, or have a digital signature that has been altered can be installed by an administrator on 32-bit (x86) versions of Windows, but they can not be installed on any 64-bit (x64) version of Windows
5. Old hardware is not functioning optimally because the drivers are not compatible or not supported by windows 7

Here are some references that might help you in resolving problems when installing windows. I classify into two parts such as Set Up Windows 7 and Signed drivers under Windows 7

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